Torrington Savings Foundation Awards Over $107,000 in Support of Education
The Torrington Savings Foundation announced grants totaling $107,168 during their fall grant cycle. The awards sustain the mission of investing in community revitalization through education initiatives.
Grant recipients in the education focus area included:
• LARC (The Arc of Litchfield County) to assist with an after school high school program for youth with autism
• ASAP!, an after-school arts program for the Torrington schools
• Shepard Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center in support of their K-12 after school program
• Bristol Boys & Girls Club in support of their FUNdamentals of Learning program
• Girls With Impact’s Adopt a School program championing girl entrepreneurs
• Junior Achievement of SW New England’s financial education programs
• The White Memorial Conservation Center to eliminate financial barriers to nature programs
Other grant recipients included Boy Scouts Troop 3, TAFA (Torrington Area Families for Autism), the CAHS VITA tax assistance program, Greenwoods Counseling, and the Susan B. Anthony Project.
Lesa Vanotti, President & CEO of Torrington Savings Bank stated, “Our Foundation continues to support wonderful initiatives with a broad impact on our community. This cycle’s awards were more focused on youth programs and services, a group that was impacted deeply by the isolation of the pandemic. We look forward to seeing the results of these worthwhile programs.”
For more Foundation updates including application guidelines for non-profit applicants, please visit TorringtonSavings.Bank/foundation/.
Posted on: Monday February 6, 2023
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