When you open an investment management account with us, you draw upon our vast sources of research and analysis to help you manage your money.
We act as your institutional investor so the pitfalls of reactive, emotional investing are minimized.
The buy and sell recommendations or decisions we make for your portfolio are made only after an understanding of your personal circumstances is established. We build comprehensive portfolios, not sell one-size-fits-all products. We are not commission driven salespeople, our compensation is in line with your goals of long-term growth. Your success is our success.
Philanthropy Services
We believe that a Board’s most important function is to concentrate on the needs of the organization and that it can best do so when the portfolio investment responsibility is delegated to investment professionals.
Our Trust Department personnel possesses extensive experience working with not-for-profit organizations.
Approximately half of the assets we manage belong to tax-exempt groups. We understand the tax compliance issues facing tax-exempt organizations, and are able to manage fund unitization, segregate between restricted and non-restricted endowments, facilitate the sale of stock gifts made in-kind, and distinguish between principal and income.
In an ideal world an endowment has the ability to generate income sufficient to support the needs of the organization while growing in size. This growth is important because over time inflation erodes the purchasing power of a non-growth portfolio. A well-crafted Investment Policy Statement can help facilitate this growth. We have the experience and know-how to assist you in developing a plan to help your organization meet its goals.
Investment products and services are not insured by the FDIC or any other government agency.
Investment products are not obligations of Torrington Savings Bank and are not guaranteed by Torrington Savings Bank. Investment products and services are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of principal invested.